🔴🌳 Dear supporters* of the Dannenröder Forest, 🌳🔴
On October 1, the clearing and clearing work in the Herrenwald began, and this week it was also started in the Maulbach Forest. Current information about the forest occupations in Dannenröder, Herrenlos and Maulbach Forest can be found on the Danni ticker:
➡️ Twitter: https://twitter.com/danniticker
➡️ Telegram: https://t.me/DanniTicker
See you in the forest or on the #MotorwayInTheClimateCrisis.
Here again a chronology of the events of the first days of clearing and clearing.
[Friday, 02.10.20]
On Friday, the clearing work in the Herrenlos forest was continued. The cops had to find out early in the morning that the barrio “Im Norden OK” was reoccupied overnight. The police again massively obstructed the press work. A Fridays for Future demonstration came to the Herrenloswald as support. A sit-in blockade blocked the way of one of the harvesters for some time. There was violence against activists who wanted to enter the forest. (Trigger warning: https://twitter.com/wsa_buendnis/status/1312049028306264065)
The barrio was finally cleared for the second time and the trees were felled under strong police protection.
In Berlin, FFF and Anti Kohle Kidz occupied the state representation of Hesse in Berlin (https://twitter.com/keinea49/status/1311913422792077312)
The vigil at the Schmitthof was occupied and will remain so for the next few days.
[Saturday, 03.10.20]
The bicycle demo started on the finished part of the A49 from Kassel to the Danni with 300 people. (https://twitter.com/jakobroschka/status/1312319701876453376)
Meanwhile, people occupied the A49 construction site near Schlierbach. They erected a tripod and put up several tents. (https://twitter.com/keinea49/status/1312379210049236992)
[Sunday, 4.10.]
Big demonstration in Dannenrod
The large demonstration by Campact and BUND with concerts and speeches was attended by about 5000 people and went on until late in the evening. Many of the visitors* admired the forest, while further barriques were created in the Danni.
Soli-Tree-Occupation in Berlin
In solidarity with the forest and the people here, a tree was also occupied on Sunday in Berlin. Also actions outside the forest are a great support!
#DanniIstÜberall Soligrüße zurück nach #Berlin. Ob #Liebig34 oder #DanniBleibt, Freiräume müssen gemeinsam erkämpft werden! #OneStruggleOneFight#b0410#keinea49 https://t.co/bMiRi1KLwk
— Dannenröder Wald (@keinea49) October 4, 2020
[Monday, 5.10.]
Clearing and clearing continued in the Mauli. The activists and citizens* tried to stop the police and the harvesters with tripods and sit-in blockades. This resulted in the boiling of a spontaneous meeting.
The handling of cleared activists was also illegal, because some of them were simply left in the forest in bad condition after being forcibly removed from the trees.
Letzte Woche palavert @Polizei_MH noch davon, dass "Sicherheit vor Schnelligkeit" gelte, am #maulibleibt sah das Montag dann so aus: 30 Meter hohe Bäume werden 6 Meter neben Menschen im Baumhaus gefällt.
Das ist lebensgefährlich!
Lasst das! @gruenehessen #keinea49 pic.twitter.com/QDyKryIxxf— Dannenröder Wald (@keinea49) October 5, 2020
In order to demonstrate against the banned assembly in Maulbach, a traffic circle in Homberg was occupied, to send an active signal against the expansion of the freeway.
Anwohner*innen haben den Kreisverkehr in Homberg blockiert, weil die #co2ps sie aus dem #MauliBleibt gejagt haben – Hin da, die brauchen Support!#DanniBleibt pic.twitter.com/hQCfO4kGST
— Danni-Ticker (@DanniTicker) October 5, 2020
Bulldozer occupation
At the same time a bulldozer was occupied in Dannenrod near the camp, which was cleared in the evening. The handling of the Akivistis was also grossly negligent, because the weather conditions would not have actually allowed an evacuation. After a policeman was injured by the crane, the squatters decided to leave the vehicle in order not to endanger themselves further.
Whose Planierraupe? Our Planierraupe! Die Blockade der Räumfahrzeuge, die den #MaulbacherWald platt machen wollen, steht stabil! Kommt rum! #allewälderbleiben #keinea49 pic.twitter.com/10cjI3gngL
— Aktion Schlagloch (@A49Schlagloch) October 5, 2020
Peanut Breakfast
In the early hours of the morning, activists blocked the entrance to Ferrero, one of the main protagonists* of the new highway, sending a signal against industry and corporate interests.
Heute früh wurde das Ferrero-Werk in Stadtallendorf blockiert! Gute Stimmung:#danni0510 #DanniBleibt #KeineA94 pic.twitter.com/ZvB34x0Tws
— Aktion Schlagloch (@A49Schlagloch) October 5, 2020
> Dates – short and concise
>> 10.10. Bicycle demo on the A49 from Wabern Bhf into the Danni
>> 11.10: Big forest walk with Carola Rackete
>> Every Sunday a walk in the forest
>> Dates are constantly updated.
>> —-
>> You are planning an action for the Danni? Write us and we will include it in the next newsletter!
>> Here you can find tips for your journey and further information: dannenroederwald.org
>> Here you can register for the SMS eviction mailing list: keinea49.netzguerilla.net/smskeinea49
>> Here you can find the Twitter account of the cast: https://twitter.com/keinea49
>> Telegram Info Channel to the Dannenröder Forest: https://t.me/DanniSoli
>> English Telegram Info Channel to the Dannenröder Forest: https://t.me/DanniInfochannel
>> Email cast: waldstattasphalt@riseup.net
>> Email Alliance: waldstattasphaltbuendnis@riseup.net
>> Distribution list: wald-statt-asphalt-newsletter
>> subscribe at dannenroeder-wald.org